Thursday 13 June 2013

Tossa del Mar – Cim i Tomba (Food series 3.)

We went to visit this lovely seaside town, Tossa del Mar is many people’s recommendation. In the evening we had a lovely time chatting to a Hungarian lady who’s been living there for 15 years and she suggested trying this dish that originates from here. I asked her where would she recommend us to eat it and she gave us the name of a restaurant. We went there straight away. While the blog about visiting the town itself will have to wait for a few more days I can’t wait to introduce you to this amazing meal.

I think it will come as a surprise to you that Tossa was NOT a fishing village before the tourism took over. Still, the origin of the dish is closely connected to the tradition of fishing. In those days the fishermen spent long hours out in the sea all day and this was one meal that was very convenient to make.

They took a small stove and clay pot with them and all the other ingredients. When it was time to eat the fishermen threw the onion, the potatoes, tomatoes and the garlic in the pot, added lots of oil and water and all the fish that they caught but was too small or otherwise couldn’t sell it together with the rest of ingredients. The result was this hearty, succulent meal with potatoes and fresh fish.

We didn’t really know what to expect so as soon as the dish was put in front of us we both bent over it and started to inspect its content. We saw the potato slices, the big chunks of fish and some seafood swimming in lots of oil. Looked very appetising!

It took me by surprise how much the taste reminded me of Hungary. I guess it’s the taste of potatoes, onions, lots of oil, salt and tomato combination. It tasted so lovely we wolfed it down very quickly. This is how it looked like.    

I’ve learnt that in every year September is the month of cim y tomba in Tossa. 15 restaurants participate in making their own variation of the dish offering it as a menu together with a starter and dessert. Apparently there are significant differences in the process of making it. I would definitely love to try all the 15 variations!

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